Aug 4, 2023Liked by Jaryd Hermann

Jaryd, when I got the email about HTG show I immediately tried to add you to Google Podcasts subscription. I'd strongly suggest using some kind of podcast hosting service which puts it on all the providers for you so folks like me can listen while driving etc.

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Hey Sam, thanks for the feedback! Yea I will definitely be getting this onto Spotify and other platforms when I kick off the show consistently. Had a lot of similar feedback, Substack isn’t the best place to host a show.

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Jaryd, thank you for sharing Ankur's story, the interview, and your analysis.

The "How They Grow" section is a fantastic addition to your newsletter. I am sharing many of your stories with my team, and they are equally impressed.

I am amazed that you find time to produce so much high-quality content along with full-time work. I hope your work will gain greater exposure.

The depth of your materials surpasses almost everything I read on TechCrunch and several content-heavy VC websites, such as OpenView or the puff pieces on Masters of Scale.

Yours is one the few newsletters I am actually looking forward to see in my inbox!


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Wow, that means so much...seriously. Thank you, Konstantin. 🙏 I'm so so glad to hear that, and that's incredibly motivating. Have a wonderful weekend and thank you for your support in spreading the word. 🙏

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Jaryd, it's my pleasure to be helpful in any way I can. Your work resonates with me because I am also a writer, a computer nerd, and a serial founder. The insights in your newsletter are very helpful in my current startup journey. Enjoy your weekend too!

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